Press Release
April 24, 2018
Schenkkade 50
The Hague - 2595 AR
The Netherlands
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW - Suite 1025
Washington, DC 20006
Contact: +1-202-600-8835
Email: admin@childabductioncourt.org
WASHINGTON, DC – In a new move to alert President Trump and request that he endorses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and to protect illegal immigrant children from parental abduction, the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is placing 4 large 8 x 10 foot banners each day in front of the White House.
The UNCRC treaty was set out by the United Nations to protect the overall rights of children. Since 1989, it has been approved by 196 countries, which include Somalia. Yet, as of today, The United States has failed to ratify the treaty. It was signed in 1995 by President Bill Clinton, yet several Republican senators opposed its ratification, stating concerns over sovereignty, and such, no further steps for ratification have been taken since then.
The campaign’s mission is to highlight the plight of some 200,000 illegal immigrant children who, after being kidnapped by a parent, are being unlawfully detained in the USA.
As a result, "left-behind parents" face gruelling and daunting attempts to have their children returned to their country of origin. Often times, following the abduction, these parents may never see their children again, and there are virtually no American laws which protect those parents' custodial rights.
The banners feature pictures of a smiling “Sean”, a German boy who was wrongfully retained in the USA as an illegal immigrant child, and then per unconstitutional “court order” of lawless judge Michael A. Flowers, trafficked across State lines, from Florida to an UNKNOWN location in Utah by his illegal immigrant, child kidnapping Filipino mother. An open letter printed on the banner says:
“My name is Sean ….. I am a 9-year-old German boy trapped in the US Family Court system. I have been wrongfully retained, psychologically, mentally, and emotionally tortured and kidnapped away from my loving father by 4 abusive, corrupt and criminal judges who took my freedom and liberty to return to my home country and made me a prisoner in the USA.”
Under the emergence of sanctuary cities, American judges aid in the detention of these children, who, by international law, should be returned to their homes.
The banners go on to name-and-shame the Judges Mary Koch Polson, Terrence Ketchel, Margaret. Casey Rodgers, and Judge Michael A Flowers who all played parts in Sean’s detention and concealment. It reads:
“Since when have low-level court judges the authority to imprison an illegal immigrant German child in the United States?”
“…Why are these judges not allowing me to travel to my home country, Germany? I am an illegal immigrant and my illegal immigrant mother Jubilie Anqui, and her criminal boyfriend Jonathan Link Tedrick have been concealing me from my loving father for almost three years now with the help of these corrupt judges who acted as "trespassers of the law”. These judges have been COMPLICIT in the concealment and abduction of me and therefore are liable for damages, infliction of emotional, psychological and mental pain and wilful destruction of the father-child bond.”
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping (ICCACK) is a not-for-profit private court, established in The Hague, The Netherlands, that fights for the rights of children and their "left-behind parents". ICCACK investigates child abduction cases across the globe and uses international laws coupled with legal strategies for the return of these kidnapped children. It is estimated that each year, almost 10 million children become victims of parental abduction, yet many Governments turn a blind eye to the illegal smuggling of such children into their country.
These are very straight in your face Banner's that one cannot miss bringing home the plight of the abducted children not only all over the world but right here in the US for everyone to see including daily visitors to the White House, while the happy family members of the White House are free to enjoy their children and grandchildren on a daily basis. ICCACK speaks for those wrongfully retained children without a voice to speak of the injustice done to them!
For further information, or for anyone affected by this, please contact the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping (ICCACK).
To learn more about the crime of parental child kidnapping and the help available to “left behind” parents, please contact the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping.
Summary: ICCACK Banners in Front of the White House
The victims of child & Human rights violation, if not getting timely and suitable justice in the court of law in their countries, can appeal to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AGAINST CHILD KIDNAPPING.
Our White House Banner Campaign - Addressing Governmental Child Kidnapping & Abuse of State Power to President Trump - Please Download the PDF File by clicking on the Image and Share This With All Your Friends On Social Media! Tell us what you think: https://twitter.com/childabductionc ​ or https://www.facebook.com/childabductioncourt.org