Our plea to President Trump: Stand up for WRONGFULLY RETAINED children!

200,000 illegal immigrant children are being wrongfully retained in the USA every year by illegal immigrant (parental) child kidnappers, and “trapped in the system” by lawless sanctuary City judges.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a beacon of hope for children all over the world, hope that protects them, hope that secures their future.
Question: Why hasn’t the US ratified it?
Dear President Trump,
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping (ICCACK) is the court of last resort for the prosecution of the crime of (parental) child kidnapping, enforced disappearance of children by government officials, human rights violations, and crimes against humanity.
Greetings President Trump, , I'm a 27 year mother with 5 wonderful children at the ages of 9, 5,3,1 and 5 months old. There names are Johnathan Dewayne Pedroza, Jesse DeAntae Thomas Smith-Pedroza, Amelia Nevaeh Pedroza, Jeremiah Lee Smith and Sa'Niyah Nicole Smith-Karim that has been kidnapped by the hands of The Child Protective Services with the intentions of the organized crime and the criminal enterprise involved in child kidnappings. Our children including my children are in the hands of child predators after our beloved children for monetary value. All do respect Mr. Trump if me as being my children's mother I gave them life and I don't recall there lives coming at a price, so what gives the governme…